Storing Treasures

Matthew 6:19-24


Jesus challenged His audience think about where they were focusing their eyes. Was it the things, money, wealth, and other possessions of this world, or was it the Kingdom of Heaven and all the riches that would come with it?

Here we see 3 simple points.

1. Don’t store your treasures here on Earth.

Everything here on Earth has a life. Your things will decay, whither, rust, fade, etc. They are susceptible to being stolen by thieves. They simply do not last.

Store up your treasures in Heaven. There, they are eternal and safe. They are more valuable than things here.

2. Your eyes bring life or death into your body.

What are you looking at? That is what you’re bringing into your body. Are you looking at material things with a lustful, worshipful eye? If you are, you’re bringing darkness into your body.

Focus your eyes on God instead, and His Kingdom. There you will find the light of life that will carry you through this world.

3. You can’t love material possessions and God at the same time.

You can test Him if you want, but you’ll find that you simply cannot love your stuff and love God at the same time. You’ll find yourself neglecting Him and focusing all your time and energy on your stuff.

Instead, love God. He will provide things for enjoyment, but know that you shouldn’t love them or the things in this world (1 John 2:15).

Discussion Questions

1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could have only one possession with you, what would you choose and why?

2. Can you share a time when you felt particularly focused on what truly matters spiritually? What was that experience like?

3. How does this passage challenge your understanding of material possessions and your relationship with them?

4. In what ways do you feel God is calling you to shift your focus from earthly treasures to heavenly ones?

5. How does the metaphor of the eye being the lamp of the body help us understand priorities in our lives?

6. What does Jesus mean when He talks about treasures on earth versus treasures in heaven in this passage?

7. How do you think understanding the concept of serving two masters helps us clarify our commitments in life?

8. What are some distractions in your life that might prevent you from fully seeking God’s kingdom?

9. How can we intentionally cultivate a mindset that prioritizes heavenly treasures in our daily decisions?


God wants to teach us (Psalm 26). God wants to lead us. God wants to focus our Eyes on Him and what is good. If we are putting our love in material possessions or wealth, then we are not putting our love in Him.

Put your love in Him. Trust Him. Follow Him. He will fill your life with all kinds of joy and care for you always.

Pastor Dan Joseph

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