Our Virtues

At Northern Light Church, we strive to live by virtues that help us grow closer to God.

Common Community

Acts 2:42-47 - We participate in a common Church community that promotes being devoted to Biblical teachings, being a blessing to each other, sharing all things “in common”, and supporting each other generously.

Steadfast Prayer

Colossians 4:2-4 – We pray always in an unwavering manner. We pray not only for others, but with others. We encourage and call on others to pray along side of us.  We come along side of others in prayer.  We pray for doors to open for the Gospel.

Teachable Transformation

Romans 12:1-2 – We never stop seeking wisdom from the Holy Spirit and letting Him transform us.  We strive to gather and learn from each other.  We share knowledge and wisdom without judgement or holding only to our own ideas.  We ground our life lessons in the Word of God.

Intentional Service

1 Peter 4:10 – We strive to use our gifts in service of the gospel. We intentionally use our gifts and discover our purpose.  We serve each other as good strewards of God’s grace.

Being Breakable

James 1:2 – We strive to let God break us through our trials and prepare us for service of the Gospel.  A person broken embraces their trials and future missions from the Holy Spirit.

Heartfilled Generosity

Malachi 3:10 – We accept God's challenge to test Him in our generosity and help fuel the expansion of His Kingdom.